CD players - Luxman vs. Esoteric?

I am considering a stereo system with either a Luxman (D-06 or DU-08) or Esoteric X-05 CD player.

Any thoughts on how Luxman compares to Esoteric?


"find a dealer who will let you live with each for least two weeks. Borrow the floor demo's, all burned in"

Well, that certainly sounds simple enough. Where would one find such a dealer? I'd like to set up a couple of 2-week home demos myself.
It is not possible to demo any Luxman cd players in my city, nor is it possible to compare Luxman to Esoteric.

Like many people, I would have to make a special order and buy a Luxman cdp sight unseen.

I have seen and played with the Esoteric X-05, but I am wondering how performance, build quality, and transport compares to the similarly priced Luxman D-06.



The Esoteric X-05 has received a lot of good critical press, but Luxman cd players seem to be less well known.

How do these two brands compare?


I have an Esoteric UX-1 that I had Esoteric upgrade to a UX-1pi, while retaining the original transport. It has their best transport. Esoteric is a pleasure to deal with and seems to me to be path of least resistance in your case. Build quality of Esoteric products is also excellent.
Additionally, I believe Luxman products need to go to Japan for repairs, whereas Esoteric does it in California.