Benchmark DAC-1 vs DAC-1 HDR

The Benchmark DAC-1 has recieved stellar comments on this site. Their HDR offers additional benefits and appears to have no drawbacks in comparison (other than price). I know they switched op amps between the DAC-1 and the DAC-1 PRE and DAC-1 HDR. Has anyone found a downside between the models as one goes up the line ?
I ran thr benchmarck dac1 directly into my amp, balanced, and was unimpressed. I think it sounds awesome into my preamp. Into the amp directly, it had no emotion, body, soul. I didn't bob my head, as I do through the preamp. Just my experience with these old ears.
I also tried running it directly into my amp. It sounded better when my preamp was in the chain. More bloom an depth to the soundstage.
I run my benchmark to a Mcintosh C220 Tube....Tried it without directly into Tube mcintosh 2102.I like the preamp in the chain.I like the bloom and roundness that it provided.