I need a recommendation on Class D amp

I'm looking for a good Class D power amp for 2 different subwoofers in my system and must have individual gain/volume controls for each channel.  Does this type of amp exist with separate gain controls?  I'm using RCA interconnects.  I've seen Class D power amps with separate gain controls in pro audio but they use balanced connectors which won't work for me.

Thank you for any advice and recommendation.




The amp that you need that will be just as good for your purpose as anything mentioned  Fosi V3 or V3 monoblocks. 

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In our studio at Deer Creek Audio we've had the opportunity to audition many fine amplifiers: Mark Levinson, Hegel, Krell, Rotel and others.  In our opinion the new Nilai 500 from Hypex Electronics competes favorably with the best of this group. These amplifiers are extremely powerful, quiet and most importantly natural sounding. 

Deer Creek Audio is an authorized Hypex dealer .