I am planning to upgrade my speaker cable and interconnect to the HIJIRI cables but budget is a constraint I can do one cable at a time.

So my friends which cable should be my first purchase the speaker cable or the interconnect.



I typically follow the old Transparent Audio advice, unless buying used, then it's whatever comes up first...Transparents' preferred order to upgrade was IC from source to pre first, then speaker cables, and lastly IC from amp to pre...

Everybody here who are trying to help thank you.

The cables I currently use are not bad but I am looking for more depth and they are here feeling and more air like phantom images in front of you.

Do no waste money as i some time did - Try for free trial Ice age audio OFC series

speaker cables and interconect before buying expensive stuff.

You will be surprised like i was.

How would one define the difference in sound of  SLC million and HCS speaker cable.

Deciding cable change priority can be a tough one, as there are likely many variables. That said, as ArgentPur.audio for almost three years, I can report that EVERYONE who has demo'ed my speaker cables has remarked re their substantial improvements. (For that I'm grateful.) But maybe only 60% of IC changes were very noticeable...I think due to the inherent impedance mismatch contiuum among front end components. As a result, I recommend getting the amp-speaker transducer dialed in carefully first. If your amps are fine, and you've gotten the loudspeaker/room to play well, you can then decide if improving res and detail upstream via a better source component or DAC is as important as changing out ICs. I am certainly NOT going to suggest that you spring for a premium solid pure silver IC (like mine!) if you're using a low-res DAC or midrange front end.  That's why a careful consult is required, knowing your complete system, speakers, room, budget, and tastes. Good luck.