Mojo Audio - Mystique Y NC DAC

It's hard to describe the size and scope of the leap this DAC has delivered. I don’t have years of experience with the ability to hear or articulate micro audio details yet so it takes macro for me sometimes.

“Huge improvement” is a good start. I'm just stunned. Had no idea. Thought all DACs were more or less the same until a couple months ago.

Everything is much fuller, bigger, deeper and smoother. I didn’t know this was possible. I was already very happy.

Music I wasn't playing much because the sound was "meh"…that I dismissed as poor recording… is way better and my favorites just kill. From mid-bass to mid-treble is more wholesome...and not just a little. Deep bass is tighter and reaches lower with nothing muddled. Individual instruments and voices have improved clarity and definition. Separation between musicians is noticeable and I now hear black space around and behind them. It's like my speakers are on steroids.

The 3D image has exploded. It got much deeper and a little wider (and taller?). I have heard about and read about systems where the speakers disappear into a holographic soundstage. For the first time, I am in finally walking through an unmarked alley door into the secret club.

It will take me a few weeks to digest this magic black box. I have a couple speaker cable upgrades and some better pre-amp tubes on hand to try out but I have to wait until my brain and ears settle again.

I'd quantize this as a 25% improvement…like a big lunar leap from the top of great speakers.

Eversolo DMP A-8 > Mojo Mystique Y NC DAC (via USB) > Rogue Cronus Magnum III > PureAudioProject Trio15 Classics.


@mfisher702 - Is "NC" the Nano Crystal Core Chokes version?

Did Ben state any opinions on how your version compares to the X SE?

For me….the Y NC dac sounds so much better than the internal dac in the Eversolo DMP A-8.

The Y NC does have the nano crystal core chokes. 

From Benjamin and another guy that have heard the Y NC and the X SE, I’m told the Y NC has a slightly more forward presence. 

Here ya go, in the words of the mfg:

The X24 NC with Z chips is going to be the best of all worlds of our DACs with the AD1862 DAC chips IMO.

Then again, the Y NC does things with the AD1865 DAC chips that none of our DACs with the AD1862 chips can do...the speed and transparency are amazing…The X24 NC with Z chips sounds a bit softer, sweeter, textured, nuanced, and organic. 

I am sure they both sound great although offering different presentations.

Thanks, @mitch2 .  That's one difference I didn't notice:  "Y" uses 1865, and my EVO uses 1862.

I remember you mentioning your Z chip a while ago an being intrigued.  Going to ping Ben to see if he has any available, or if a choke upgrade might make more sense.

A slightly different presentation in the Y is probably a good strategy for Ben.  Not everyone engages with his natural, textured, organic signature.  The stereophile reviewer was amazed, but the measurements guy was, "meh".