Looking for advice - Mola Mola Kaluga amp has no output

Hello all and happy Easter. Hoping to get some tips from experienced Agoners. My Mola Mola Kaluga is giving some trouble - no sound. It is powering up but is cold to the touch even after hours. We were out on a weekend vacation and when I returned it was on standby mode (maybe power failure). It is plugged into my PS Audio Stellar Powerplant 3. I am completely puzzled because it is powering up fine, i changed the fuse as well, to no avail. Any clues from Mola Mola owners out there? I have written to Mola Mola and awaiting response as well. Thanks in advance for any help!


@hgeifman many thanks for your immense help here. I will connect with Bill (he is actually in NJ, not too far from me) and keep you all posted, as this mysterious problem might of interest to many. Thanks again

Two questions:

1. Have you tried plugging in the Kaluga directly into an outlet rather than the power plant?

2. What is the input into the Kaluga? Have you been able to verify that this is working?

3. Isn't the Kaluga class D?  If so it is not surprising that it is not getting warm especially when not playing music.

@deone thanks for your response.

1. Yes, tried

2. XLR input from Zesto Leto preamp. I do not think Zesto is the issue, as the headphone output is working fine. Also both output tubes going out at the same time is rather unlikely

3. It is class D, but it gets warm when on. I have had these for years, they are never cold to the touch.

The one last thing i will do is change the xlr cables from Zesto to Mola Mola, but again two xlr cables going out at the same time just isn't likely.....what a mess.,

@musicmatters1206, This Audiogon member purchases non working amplifiers from various companies. I suggest you can him and see what he offers on your Mola Mola Kulgua amps. It certainly is worth a phone call.

Wanted - Broken / As Is / Non Working Audio Gear link:


Thanks all but i will wait to hear from Mola Mola and GTT before anything else, it is a great company and a great distributor with support reputation to back them up. Will keep you all posted.