Do I actually need a dedicated amp/DAC for my setup?

Hello World!

The obvious answer to the question is "Duh!*" with the asterisk being a caveat for like 0.5% of the time.

Well, I might be in that 0.5% of the time and, being right brain not left brain, I might be in a situation where my lust for the Ferrum Erco Gen2 is really unwarranted.

Current setup:

  • Monitor / Destinations:
    • Miniot Black turntable for vinyl (yeah, yeah, jokes aside) which has an admirable internal pre-amp
    • Naim Atom HD for streaming
    • Audiolab 6000 for CDs (for which obviously I’d need a dac/amp)
  • Setups:
    • A) home hifi station: Phonitor XE / Bifrost 2 / Lokius
    • B) at-home work station: JDS Labs Element 3
    • C) home personal computer: SMSL M500 Mk3
    • D) Remote office work station: Atom stack

So the question: do I really need a better amp/dac in my hifi station if I’m only using it for the CD transport & the Phonitor isn't up to par for my flagship headphones? Is using the turntable pre-amp straight to headphones good enough given that it pumps out great volume?

I’m lusting after the Ferrum Erco G2 DAC/amp, thinking of selling the Phonitor/Bifrost/Lokius --- but really, do I really need it? I can take the cd transport through the SMSL MK3 just fine. If I can just sell the Phonitor-trio setup, I can use that $ to put towards the scholarship I set up for kids at my old high school, which would be nice.

Anyways, would appreciate your insight.



Daughter’s college fund is set. Daughter’s 401k is set (yep, you can do that, up to 6k/yr for minors), & now that she’s coming of working age, she’s gonna take care of funding half the $ herself.

The scholarship I founded was paid for by extra evening freelance because I’m a workaholic. This audio fun-time was founded & funded by the same extra freelance, but due to doctor’s orders that life of extra supplimentary freelance income’s gotta stop: health issues arose from 20 years of working 100+ hour weeks, multiple all-nighters in a row to meet deadlines. I’ve got to clock out at 6pm and that’s that. Which is dang tough switch when your mind & body are set in their Work All The Time Never Relax ways.

Now, with a steady full time (at long last!) staff gig & 3 Emmys on my shelf, I’m taking doctor’s ORDERS TO RELAX and got into this "sit down in a comfy chair and listen to music" hobby as a new thing to obsess about. Bipolar’s got a "collection / optimization" factor to it, thus chasing the white rabbit towards a great system. As another part of this "new relaxation regimen" (lol) I’ve taken on a few more ’hobbies’. I’m also a judge in other regions’ Emmys, set up a courseload of training for myself for personal development, interpersonal development & professional development, just started as a trained volunteer at an animal shelter, am a mentor in the Childrens’ Media Association, the leader of a Peer group at work, and am in a FranklinCovey 1-on-1 program with a personal development coach there. With all that, my "relaxation" time is now reallocated and I just wanna get the "setup" stage of my hifi station complete and just get in to plopping my butt down and listening. It bugged me that I had to turn the Phonitor all the way up to eleven to listen to records.

So... I first and foremost obsess about optimizing finances for family: maximizing my personal 401k (double 100% match by employer up to 5% of salary), monthly contributions to our short term savings & long term investment account, monthly contributions to my daughter’s college fund (with 90k there, 4 years still to save, and she ain’t goin to no Ivy) & the scholarship (3 scholarships at $1k apiece means one good 2 week long evening freelance gig a year)...
We’re good there.

And mind you: we ain’t richie riches. We’re month to month too, like everyone & their brother’s uncle. I wore hand-me-downs growing up & my mom cut our hair & sewed the drapes & made our backpacks from old denim. I finally made it a step up from that & I’m grateful for that grounding practical humble reality.

This, what I"m asking about here, is really a "settling in for the long haul" end of game gear scenario. If I sell the Phonitor / Schiits to get the Ferrum, then that’s it. I’m good. If the system I’ve got (streamer, play records & cds) can get by just fine without a respectable amp/DAC, then I can sell the Phonitor setup & reallocate those funds. That’s fine too. But as this is to be the last expenditure on audio gear (even including flagship headphones), I just want to make sure I’m set. I really don’t know if just using the turntable’s pre-amp is ok, or if it’ll like blow up my Audeze some day because just using a pre-amp isn’t what you’re supposed to do!


Hence, turning for advice to y'all who know worlds more than I ever will about this stuff.

@master_of_pupppets Your opinion is what matters.

Can you upgrade?  Sure?

Do you need to in order to enjoy music?  Definitely not!  

Here's my alternative.  Invest in a (pick one or more):

  • Excellent recliner (I am partial to Stressless)
  • Music - albums or electronic media
  • Glassware to enjoy your favorite beverage while listening to music

I love my system and I enjoy my friends systems too - the difference in their room, musical tastes and equipment ends up being irrelevant.  I like music and listening with friends makes it often even better while potentially introducing me to new music!

Perfect! Thanks! So the turntable’s pre-amp is fine to use on its own, & aaaall is set. I’ll sell the Phonitor/Schiit stack with no fear, grab myself a cup-holder as you recommend & whoo-hoo! Year 5 of the scholarships is set to go!

My triplets are nearly done with college- glad I can afford.

Not sure if one can plug a phono stage directly into your amp like some DACs with a volume control can.  Since the Ferrum has volume control, should be okay but not sure if impedance matching (1 to 10) between the phono stage and amp is an issue