New streamer needed

My streamer, 10yrs old, stopped functioning. Now I am listening to CDs again with the transport of the older Accuphase DP-67 and Merason Frerot DAC. The combination sounds great, very detailed and transparent. Now I am wondering how much money I would need to spend on a new streamer to match that sound level and which brands and models to look for. Any suggestions, possibly also from people who know the Merason and/or Accuphase? I am using Qobuz for streaming, and wireless options would be great too. Thank you.


@stievus I use EERO mesh network throughout the house. One access point is close to the equipment rack. Ethernet cable is Purist Audio 🐈‍⬛ 7.

I have 400mps service and the EERO sees about 200-260mps. More than enough to stream high resolution files. I never had a problem.

Because of all kinds of security issues, it appears I cannot install a mesh network in the house. That means I would need a streamer with WiFi connectivity. The Métronome DSS2 ticks all the boxes, but is expensive and not available on the used market. The previous model, the DSS1 has WiFi connectivity but uses a dongle antenna for that. So it is not integrated in the streamer itself. I have no experience with using a dongle, so I don't know if this would work in the same way as built-in WiFi. Maybe some of you have an opinion on this? Also, perhaps you have other suggestion for streamer with WiFi? Thanks

Few observations:

- Do a wifi speed test near your router, and then where your streamer will be to determine whether you need anything to enhance speed (i.e., to get an idea of how much speed you lose with distance).

- A dongle is just a design feature; a Raspberry Pi has wifi capability without the need for a dongle.  The three wifi streamers i currently use all have dongles.  It’s just how they implement wifi.

- If you need something to enhance speed, I don’t see any reason why your original thought - TP Link with extender - wouldn’t work.  I use the mesh system network rather that my router’s network because I have 3 floors and my router is in the basement.  

Hope that helps.

oh, one more thought, to emphasize.  You don’t need to spend alot for wifi streamers.  Am pretty sure that all 5 of the units unde $1k I mentioned do wifi.  Finally, I highly recommend you keep the server separate from the streamer. just as you’re keeping the dac separate from the streamer.