Bootleg bust

Poor guy was put on the spot.

(47) Neil Young goes record shopping, finds his own bootlegs (1972) - YouTube

Another random YouTube find. I've been to stores with that same look. 


That guy who works in a record store didn’t even know who Neil Young is. So cool that Neil was making the rounds to find bootlegs. I love that crazy bastard.

Awesome YouTube find.

Great find, really enjoyed that. Thanks OP. To be fair to the clerk, lots of people looked like that in 1972 (including me.) Business as usual in a 1972 record store. Great time capsule, thanks again.

That was a time machine for me.

Look at how pent-up and pissed off Young is which was his almost constant state of mind. That is unfortunately often the forge in which genius resides.

Time capsule other than a hippie with a credit card! I looked like him but did not even have a bank account back then. He should count his blessings. But I get it, he got cheated. The clerk came out as the class act. Perfectly restrained and kept his cool all along. Kuddos to him. I do love Neil's music and have most of his albums. Watching this makes him look a bit petty but it was mesmerizing to watch. And why didn't he buy the double Dylan album. Thanks for the video.