Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms

I’m relatively new to the world of vinyl, listening seriously for probably only 2 years.  Of course, many big picture items (e.g. turntable, phono stage, cartridges) are discussed extensively on this forum, but I haven’t seen much discussion comparing different tonearms.  I would be interested to hear about different people’s experiences with different tonearms, mentioning the audible advantages and disadvantages of each tonearm, realizing that there is no perfect sound, although from what I read about others’ experiences, SAT tonearms may come closest, albeit at a very high price.  


Dear @drbond  " That's all we need, but apparently almost no one (except probably dealers) does this to any degree to offer real insightful comparison of various tonearms.  "

That is at least the third time you posted the same where obviously you could trust more on dealers about that audiophiles that not only in this thread but in Agon know a lot more and deep aBOUT AUDIO SUBJECTS THAT ANY AUDIO DEALER  OUT THERE THAT AS REVIEWERS ARE BIASED THROUGH MANUFACTURERS.

Sorry for the majors, my finger.


As you said and showed through your thread you are and still are a newcomer to analog and even wirth all what other gentlemans already posted here you still do not understand why what you ask for it's not possible that you get in any forum or with any dealer and as @lewm  pointed out you can't do it in your system in 2 days.


I already posted to you ( I think you dislike it even that was trying to help you. ) that you need to learn for your self and that you need not only months to do it but maybe years and have to learn listen it too other systems than yours and you have to have a very clear REFERENCE to make any comparison along your targets MUSIC/sound priorities. Nothing came/comes at random and what you are looking for you can't buy it but money can accelerates the whole proccess.






So far, very few Audiogon members have expressed an ability to compare tonearms, which leads me to my conclusion: very few on this forum have actually compared tonearms, which rationally only leaves dealers, who, of course, are biased to one degree or another; but some biased information is better than no information at all.

Vertical Tracking Angle (VTA) and Stylus Raking Angle (STR) are the two most important factors in getting optimal tonearm / cartridge performance. There are many available resources to gain an understanding of the methods and tools needed to achieve this level of optimization.

Post removed 

As said earlier, any Tonearm comparison is limited if the experience had is one that is using different mounting for TT, Different TT, Different Cart’s and Electronic Signal Path.

The only honest thing that can be deduced is by the individua; present, and this will be limited to such a decision to the likes, of whether the Tonearm has impressed enough to have it as a contender to be used on the home system.

This as a practice is not comparing Tonearms in any way, shape or form, it is merely expanding ones experiences only.

Most of my Tonearm Comparisons over the past few years, have been same TT support, same TT > Plinth > same TA Mount > same Cart.

In many comparisons it has been modified TA Model vs earlier guise, and prior to this, it has been on a few occasions the TA in comparison to other TA’s.

An Upcoming session has a TT produced to enable multi arms between 9" and 12" with the same Cart’ mounted, and one of the TA Models which is a new design will have options on different Signal Wires to be used as well.

There is a hope to have approx’ 5 Branded TA’s used in comparison to the New Design TA.

It is during this session or one of these sessions depending how it unfolds that the underhung geometry will be used for the New Design TA, this in itself has an attraction to myself, underhung discussions has got intrigued.

@lewm I have a familiarity with a CF Headshell from many years past, which was experienced in a few different set ups and did not wed to the tonal influence, I personally don’t know anybody who uses one at present.

The very light CF Headshell, I made known recently, that one got my attention, so who knows, If I find one at a reduced price, maybe CF will get a revisit.