OCD mickey website and negativity.

I see videos from this individual frequently he's got a show every night almost on YouTube which is live. It's interesting.

I'm not familiar with the brands on his website and he doesn't seem to be happy about lots of stuff. He visits stores and complains about how terrible their equipment is and that no one knows what they're doing without really explaining him himself.

I've learned many things from him but I don't know why his gear that he represents seems lacklustre, I'm not gonna mention it here but maybe I'm wrong. There are many outstanding so-called higher end audio gear that's out there and he doesn't seem to carry any of it.  




Hi Mike,

Thanks for stating your case very plainly.

No sense in feeding the haters and trolls.


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I get a kick out of someone who likes a brand being offended by someone who doesn't care for that brand. Kinda like the guys who wear some dude-who-plays children's-games-for-a-living's jersey shouting done another dude who wears a rival jersey.  Clown Show. 

No sense in feeding the haters and trolls.

This is true.

It’s also true that not everyone who has a criticism is a "hater" or a "troll." Unless one is a narcissist, there is a middle ground.

Once someone decides to post public videos and build an audience and community, they tacitly become a public figure. That requires some restraint on their part, some modesty. Those who exhibit such moderation earn respect and trust, at least in my book. Those who take pleasure in randomness or snark do not.

This YT'er has 24.5k subscribers and 1k videos. He makes videos for public consumption. He sells to the public. That is why he is discussed on this public forum. He is not just another guy selling audio or offering his opinion. He has succeeded to a point where public opinion seeks to discuss his views. That's an accomplishment for him. But it's not without norms.

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