KEF Reference 1s v LS50 Metas

Amp will be Ayre AX-7e integrated (60 watts@8Ω, 120 @ 4Ω).

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd

Having just upgraded from the original LS50's to the Reference 1 (non-meta), the answer is easy, go with the Reference if it is in your budget. 

Some caveats, the Reference need more space than the LS50, so if you are in a very small room, the LS50 might be the better choice, and then add a subwoofer. 

Both speakers require a good power amp that can handle some impedance shifts. The AX-7e does double the wattage when the impedance halves, however the overall wattage is not ideal for these speakers. If you intend to rock hard, this is probably not the amp of choice. I skimmed Art Dudley's review of the amp, and JA's measurements, and they showed some concern for pairing it with low impedance speakers. With either KEF, you might not get quite the bass response you are looking for with this pairing. I don't doubt that it will sound good, but it might be possible to do better.

Both speakers are really awesome, but I am obviously biased. Either one will work, depending on your space. Add a subwoofer to the configuration regardless.


My OP should have been clearer. I have LS50 Metas and Reference 1s that I’d like to use with my AX-7e and C5xeMP for a vintage setup.. The room is 14 X 19 and used mainly for HT with a Sony HT A9 setup. Any listening will be to jazz and baroque at low to moderate levels. I was impressed when I paired the AX-7e with the LS50 Metas. I’m downsizing, so the Ayre gear I used with the Reference 1s will be sold. But the Reference 1s are so handsome it’s hard to let them go

My primary listen is in the living room using LS60s with a pair of KC62 subs and an Ayre DX-5 DSD, with streaming via Roon.

Got it. Keep the References. You can always buy a new pair of LS50’s if you experience regret, Refs are a bigger loss.