SUT experience

I finally went the SUT route for my TD124/SPU combo

II wish I would have done it sooner.  I was using the phono input on my McIntosh C47 preamp for the last 3 years and was satisfied.  Yesterday I added a a Japanese Entre T100 to my system and was very surprised.  Many of you will already know but I’m new to the SUT game and it was a game changer.  


The EE, who I first met to assist myself with some of my intentions for a HiFi system, and where a friendship formed, has now passed to approx' 30 years since the the inception.

Throughout this period there had been numerous opportunities to discuss sound production as a result of using electronic devices.

If a Pie Chart were to be produced to show Sound that is produced through electronic equipment, audio equipment would be a very thin slice, as the controlling measures for producing audio equipment are confining devices to conform to a particular limitation.

Other sound produced by electronic devices being used are limitless, and only constrained by the absence of a technology.

Vocalists, Musicians and Sound Engineers have been and remain on a eternal quest to create a sound that captures a individual, in the earliest of days it would be a use of Chords and Notes to the point they were unfamiliar. Today there are plug in devices and consuls filled with controls to change the basic notes.

Those who produce music pride themselves on their creativity and collaborations with others expressing creativity.

It seems a very good reason to be very welcoming towards the exploration undertaken by individuals who become known to the public and are able to supply the material to be recorded, which subsequently becomes the recorded medium that the audio enthusiast is so dependent on.

It also seems a shame that certain audio enthusiasts who make themselves known in a public domain, at times can't embrace the creativity being shared by another enthusiast.

It does seem there is an antithesis as the controlling element, where expressing a interest in a person is not part of the plan. Being insular and avoiding a collaborative engagement with another is the objective.

What is seemingly a protective stance, really does in my thoughts, lean toward the notion that such an individual believes their design for what they are achieving is absolute. This attitude may also be an indicator that if one is encouraging to another in their pursuit of being creative, it is a threat to ones own rigidity on their thought, that their way chosen, is the only way to get the best from a audio set up ?? 


I love that Raul could not resist taking a poke at my Viv Float tonearm. I’m verklempt.


It would seem that we have reached more agreement than difference in this matter.  We both use SUTs on occasion.  (BTW, you can probably find out all about the Consolidated SUT on the OMA website, mine is the silver wire version.)  We  both use live music as our standard.  It has been a pleasure to exchange views.

I added a custom Cinemag Blue SUT to my PS Audio Stellar Phono Preamp and everything came to life...  Kind of like 70mm Technicolor vs digital projection.....

I'm not looking back!



It was nice to see input from everyone who replied .  My posts are not exciting by any standards so I appreciated the exchanges.  Thank you all.  This forum is a very valuable tool.  I don’t post a lot but I read here every night, typically for about an hour.  Again, thanks for contributing.  Adrian