@goodlistening64 "And don’t get me started on those identical grandfather clock sound dampeners!"


The dual grandfather clocks ticking away with resonating cabinets and internal parts vibrating away inside in the background caught my attention as well.

Interesting, bizarre, and sad all at the same time for the family.

Post removed 

Gald I don't meet the standard of many here that consider themselves "Audiophiles".

Obsession is never a good thing.

i will not say that obsession is never a good thing...

So much discoveries in humankind comes from obsessed people from Archimedes to Tesla and beyond...

But obsessing about "sound" in this way is interesting case but i am not sure it is as you said a good thing, because perfectionism obsession is not the optimal attitude in this acoustic/ musical case ...

it is certainly not a road to take nor a person to imitate....

but as everybody i marvel at his room/system and i would love listening it... His family who paiy the real price are not so much interested by my curiosity...


Obsession is never a good thing.

I actually don't think this article tells us much about "audiophiles," per se. Most audiophiles don't live the life he did nor treat their family as he did. 

And I agree with @mahgister that there are obsessions which are great things! Just have to keep balance across the multiple values and obligations of life.

I posted this because it makes the Ken Fritz story a bit more three dimensional.