McIntosh dealer discount ?

I’m about to retire my McIntosh preamp after 35 years. I’m looking at the current C22 And do not want to buy anything used. I know this is an older discussion, but Are there any dealers out there that will discount new purchases? Thanks


It's not a crime to ask for a discount, but don't expect many dealers to give you a discount. Dealers do not want to be known to give a discount, and it's partially because of dealer agreements that they do not and cannot publish pricing at less than retail. Most of the time they are not going to just provide a discounted price to some random dude on the phone, and especially not in writing on the internet. This is not talking about demo units or any other uncommon variable. Pressed for detail about their discounts and the dealer, or proof, and you'll probably not get a lot of facts. If you have a local shop, build a relationship or use some of the trade-in programs... possibly. Like any other high end purchase the variables are endless.


When you say 'retire' your McIntosh preamp - what do you mean?

Would you 'trade it in'?

I agree with @dean_palmer - McIntosh has an agreement with their dealers (as does many manufacturers).  Having a relationship with a local dealer and including 'trading in' your current McIntosh preamp may enable the dealer to present you a deal you find acceptable.

Several years ago local dealer offered me an opportunity to buy used speakers - a model they know I liked and wasn't willing to buy new.  They had a long term customer who bought them and after a year wanted to buy a new set of his previous brand of speakers.  I think they sold me the speakers for what they gave the person as a trade in value so it would allow them to sell the new speakers and provide a deal for me.

The numbers that I have received on a trade are ridiculous. I can sell them out right for twice that. The dealers then will use the full retail value to give me a discount based on the trade-in, which is nothing.  Bottom line trade-in is a joke

I like McI’s. Which one you could part with?  May u send me a private message?

I got a discount on my MC462. Got a discount on my D1100 and a discount on my MC1.25 monos.

No discount was never even a question.