Step Up Transformer Question

Ok, so bear with me as this is new terrain for me. I was quite happy with how things were sounding and then I accidentally bumped the stylus of my Cadenza Black and snapped the cantilever clean off. I did some research and ultimately decided to have Steve at VAS at fix my cartridge but it was going to take a few weeks and there was going to be no way to play the Christmas vinyl that my wife loves so much. She told me to buy another cartridge so we could have Christmas records. I was stunned. I found a great deal on a Winfeld Ti on this site and pulled the trigger. I've got it on my table and it sounds amazing. 

After speaking with Steve though, I'm going to trade in my Cadenza and have him build me a wood body cartridge to have something different. It will also be 0.2mv output. I think I've got the 2nd arm situation sorted (gonna buy a Wand and a pod to mount it on) which leaves the phono pre. I love my Rogers PA-2 and it is switchable between MC and MM with 2 different inputs in the back. Finally got the SUT part. I've been looking and trying to figure things out. I spoke with Roger and he said the transformer built into the PA-2 is 1:10 and with that I can achieve 70 or so dB of gain. I did a lot of reading and looking and while I'm sure a 4k+ SUT is amazing that's just not where I'm at with all the other expenses at the moment. I saw the Bellari MT502 was a stereophole recommended component for many years and Amazon had one on sale for like $349 or something. Figured can't hurt to try it, it's Amazon so I can always return it. I plugged it in with some admittedly questionable interconnects I had lying around and when I put the phono stage k there was a bit more hum than I'm used to but I said let's have a listen. Holy shit. This little thing blew my mind. Better impact, tighter bass, more space around instruments so better staging, improved transients. This puts me in an interesting place. 

This is an extremely inexpensive piece and it has changed my system quite a bit. I think the little extra gain I get even at 1:12 brings the cartridge to life. My question is where do I go from here? Bob's makes the sky 30 which is switchable from 1:15 to 1:30 which I like because I can play with the gain tubes in my preamp and potentially go to a quieter 12au7 than the 12ax7 that's currently in there. Will that be a real improvement? Less hum? Had also considered ordering a Rothwell from jolly old England but can't find much on them. Thoughts? I'd like to keep this sub 1k or so for now. Maybe I'll save up for a big boy SUT later. 


Alex, your opinion is your opinion, but it is not helpful if you don't provide more information, like what turns ratio, what cartridge with what internal resistance and voltage output, and what phono stage with how much gain? 

I changed all my RCA interconnect cables to Locking Connectors. Mess with any cable, others do not get disturbed.

I got 2 sets of these video cables to make 3 pairs for audio, color coded ends, locking connectors, zero noise, great price. These are 12 ft long, I got 6 ft long, you just need to find the right length


these come various lengths, with Locking Connectors, many other choices. Remember, Amazon has easy returns if you find it is not the cable causing the hum.


Hi @lewm ,

I used the original EAR 834 phonostage and then improved the DIY version based on the EAR 834 phonostage schematics that I built myself.

I used Ortofon Rondo Bronze with Altec 15095. Then I used Ortofon Jubilee with Altec 4722. After that I moved to EMT TSD15. I tried Altec 4722, Jensen 44 and Hauffe with EMT. Altec did not match the EMT cartridge well and Jensen and Haufe matched in terms of impedance and tonal balance was OK but sound transparency and dynamics were very bad. After that I bought Tamure 83 that sounded great with an extra load resistor. In the end I bought Tamura MC20 that was even better morey dynamic, deeper bass, bigger soundstage.

In my DIY 300B SET amp I use Hashimoto output and interstage transformers and they are great. I used James Audio transformers before that were really good, but Hashimoto gave more low level details. I think Hashimoto MC transformers should be good as well. 

I heard from people that vintage Houfe transformers are magical. It is possible, but the new Haufe production is a total garbage. Jensen 44 is a bit better but Tamura is a different league.

@rmdmoore As stated in a earlier post in this thread and in another thread very recently.

I am a user of Valve equipment who much prefers the end of a Valves produced  Sonic that leans heavily towards transparent.

This has made me inquisitive and searching for items that assist with keeping the sonic where I prefer. As stated, I have been demo'd numerous SUT's across many years and state with full conviction in my system and in other systems, SUT's add Richness to the Sonic being produced.

In some cases it is a subtle underpinning of the Sonic, and at the other extreme, the sonic can be Bass Laden and very very loose in its shape and roll off.

My 'Gut Intuition' strongly leaves myself feeling the use of a Nano Crystalline Core has reduced the perception of Richness using a Copper Winding to the least I have detected it. Also the impact it had on the Cart' was quite something, the sense of effortless function and the projection of the sonic, had one feeling the system had gone through a very expensive upgrade. The system it was demo'd on has been via a Valve Phon' close to my own in use design, a Pre Amp' that shares very similar design to the Model I am having produced, EAR Valve Power Amp's and ESL Speakers. This system has similarities to my own inclusive of the ESL's.

As stated the Nano Crystalline Core with the Silver Winding that was not a ideal match for the Cart' in use, was equally impressive for other reasons. This had the most voluminous Sonic, extra pumps of Volume were seemingly added to the Soundstage. I am no stranger to this perception, but using older experiences and recollection this came at the expense of a undesirable colouration, one that is way beyond what I seek. The Structure A Silver Winding, offered all this Voluminous perception, as well as maybe being the most Transparent SUT ever heard.

Hence, this Brand is Shortlisted for Home Demo's.

It is good to see that other Companies have become aware of the value of adding the nano crystalline cores to their range and individuals like yourself have become interested in the notion of adding it to a SUT.

All SUT users, who prefer the Transparent End of the sonic that can be produced, will have to wait for patiently for the time when PC Triple C Wire Wound Tranx's are being made, to get to the next exciting level of sonic that can be created.

I'm hoping for Cart' Coils, Lead Out Pin's, Wand Wire (Already Achieved), SUT Windings to be produced in PC Triple C Wire. My World of interest in Audio will become a place with new enthusiasm to encounter such items. 

Interconnects, Power Cable, Speaker Cable, Internal Speaker Wire and Internal Hook Up Wire are all uses for PC Triple C Wire that I have now experienced in use.

Internal Speaker Wire being the only device not able to be A/B compared as a Demo' to a Typical version.

PC Triple C Wire has proved as a result of Demo's to be the correct choice made as a Copper Wire.                


@elliottbnewcombjr I use WBT locking connectors, but they still need a wiggle or a jiggle every now and then to decrease resistance caused by accumulated crud. (I guess they might be gold plated but it is impure gold!)