What Holiday Gifts did you ask for or Give to Yourself?

I have been too busy to even think about what I would have asked for or given myself. One of my friends is going Buck Wild giving UPS a profitable finish to the year.



@bigtwin be right over, i have pacific NW Ling Cod, prawns and smoked salmon…. and a respectable Pinot from 2013….. Good on ya ! Christen that pan well

I have a Hipgnosis book to unwrap….

For me the Christmas Holiday is about giving. Though my children had an LP made for me of songs that reminds them of me. The cover is all of photos from their childhood and of our family. I spent a good portion of their lives forward deployed and to see and hear this LP was very emotional for me. We did a good job raising good citizens and my father would be proud of the adults they have become, as I am. 

Merry Christmas. 

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I didn't ask for anything as I'm good, but my wife surprised me with a Golden Snitch.

