Magico A3 replacement

I am currently using a pair of Magico A3 speakers with my Constellation amp and pre. A very nice combination. Upgrading speakers, where do I turn that isn't a step backwards? I cannot listen to speakers in any audio shop. "Country living".

My room is 13' x 16'. My listening is mainly streaming but do enjoy albums.


the X5 would definitely be an upgrade from the X3, but you are right the A3 is an awesome speaker.  I have the Borresen 05 Silver Edition and they are the best speaker i have ever heard.  Good Luck my friend 

@steakster I did however screw up. I confused this with another post where the budget was lower. For 16K, I assume the Borresens are reasonable

I am literally in this same situation - looking to replace my Magico A3s with something that does a little more for my heart than the Magicos can manage. After a visit to AXPONA in 2022, I was taken with two similarly-sized speakers which I’m keeping an eye out for on the used market. Those being the Piega Coax 711 (now replaced with the 811) and the very difficult-to-find Stenheim Alumine 3s.


The Piega 711s have come up for sale a few times within your price range. I’d highly, highly recommend you have a listen. Have not had a chance to listen to the 811s, though am holding out hope they’ll be at AXPONA this year.

The Stenheims appear next to impossible to find used, and might still be out of  your target price range. But they’re very well reviewed and might be worth a listen if you can find them.

I never recommend anything I haven’t heard. So I can only proffer TAS' recommendation for the "finest reference speaker," the PS Audio FR30.

I upgraded from the A3's to the A5's almost three years ago and have been enjoying them tremendously. The A5 is a great speaker that plays above its class.

I run them with Mac tube pre and power and have added two B&W DB3D's. I am a solid Phil zone guy and the subs come with their own power. That is my rationalization and I am sticking to it.

I netted $9k for the A3's and added another $12k for the upgrade. Not cheap, but they got me off the speaker merry go round and in a place where I carve out time to spin vinyl.