ifi LAN iSilencer

I discovered this Ethernet signal purifier for network audio streamers, just by chance, while surfing the internet.  I have an extremely highly resolving hifi system.  After reading all the positive customer comments and reviews, I said to myself, what the heck, only 89 bucks, let's go for it.  After receiving the ifi, as recommended, I plugged it into my audio switch, then plugged one end of the ethernet cable into it, and plugged the other end of that ethernet cable into my DAC/Streamer.  Now, I already have a variety of audio tweaks throughout my system, including my speakers.  But when I added the ifi, the background got even deeper, darker and blacker.  It was absolutely amazing!!!  This little gizmo worked exactly as advertised!!!  Highly recommended.         


Do you think this tweak would make a difference if I already have an optical network between my streamer and router?

@zlone , Yes, I find the pluses to be cumulative. I run FMCs with a patch cable in between --> IFI LAN --> Streaming devices

@deep_333 Yes, I find the pluses to be cumulative. I run FMCs with a patch cable in between --> IFI LAN --> Streaming devices

Okay, thanks!

I THINK THIS SPEAKS FOR ITSELF: Issue Details - Noise and jitter are routine to measure, yet I see NO data demonstrating the effectiveness of the LAN iSilencer. Instead, I see marketing nonsense calling it "Gigatastic." That leads me to be extremely skeptical - where's the proof that this product does ANYTHING? Your failure to provide substantiating evidence supporting this product's claims will be taken *and widely publicized* as your tacit admission that your product is nothing but Snake Oil. Please don't insult your customers with inane marketing gibberish. --

Dec. 6, 2023 Hi Paul, Thank you for getting in touch with your feedback on the LAN iSilencer, I’m sorry that you do not believe that it helps with the noise and jitter. We of course disagree and so do many of our customers, I urge you to try it and see for yourself. Once I have more information from our technical leads, I will pass this along to you. Perhaps it is an oversight to not include test data but the true test is whether people keep using the product and people keep using the product because it works. Best regards, Liam

I couldn't hear any difference.

FOLLOW UP: iFi closed Customer Service ticket requesting data showing that this product does ANYTHING - I have a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and I know that noise and jitter are routine to measure. They refused to send me any data at all. Looks to me like they are hiding something.

from iFi Customer Support - "We have not heard back from you for a few days and want to ensure your queries have been resolved. For now, I will close this ticket but please do not hesitate to re-open this ticket If you have any questions or concerns, I will be more than happy to help. Best regards, Liam