Dealers with excellent listening rooms?

Hi everyone,

Not looking to buy but was thinking that it has been a very long time since I heard excellent gear in an excellent room. Outside of regional shows, where do you go to hear things in a post Amazon, post covid-19 world?


If you guys are ever in Miami, reach out to John at Audio Salon in Coral Gables. I have purchased stuff from him but I’ve sat in high end shops all over the world…. I don’t know why exactly, but his room just sounds pretty special. 

He features Gryphon, DCS, Wilson, Audio Research, McIntosh, Nagra, VAC, Joseph Audio, etc.


John the owner is a lovely guy and if you’re lucky, his dog Bernie will be in residence,

...well, it's the old "Have ears, must travel...."

and usually in the places a 'vaca' will avoid....;)

Good variable factors, E....👍

Goodwin's High End in Waltham Ma. 10 miles west of Boston. They rep some of the finest equipment available and always provide superior sounding systems.


my best to all, Jerry

@bobvin I swear I've seen that space on Miller Carbon's website ... no?

I thought it was 'photoshopped' ... Beautiful space!  

Agree with @oddiofyl, Fidelis Music Systems in Nashua, New Hampshire is a great place to experience gear.  And Marc is an knowledgeable and welcoming host.  Highly recommended.

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