Looking for a great phono pre-amp in the $1000 or less range

I’ve a vintage Kenwood KD-500 DD turntable (concrete base), and grace tonearm.  Currently running a grado gold MM cartridge running through the built-in phono preamp section of my NAD C658 preamp, into an Anthem MCA 225 mk 2 amp and Martin Logan Classic 9 electrostatic speakers.  Streaming Tidal can give me some stunning results but my music through the turntable is far less compelling.  Hence the desire to try upgrading my phono preamp section (and eventually move to a MC).  After substantial digging I’ve got a few higher level candidates, there are obviously many out there. 
the two front runners I’m considering are:

the Back Ice Audio F9 mk and the gold note PH5.  The black ice is intriguing but not nearly as well known or reviewed as the gold note. 
others I’ve considered:

sutherland KC Vibe mk2

moon audio 110 LP V2

parasound zphono XRM

feedback from the community appreciated!


Does one really need to go to the expense of close to $2000 to surpass the Tidal Streaming Experience with a Vinyl Source.

A new MM with a different presentation to the Grado might just suffice, if extra is desired a MM Input Phonostage may be the final ancillary required.

The ESL's should help with making differences in Cart' Types quite discernable. 

@tmortsd gives good turntable advice 

here are some <$1k phono amps that perform quite well, some ive owned and some i still own, some i havent:

tavish vintage $800

hagerman cornet $590



sota pyxi

van alstine vision Q+


darlington labs MP-7


project s2, DS2. i believe these use jfets for the first gain stage. sound damn good and very flexible. esp good for HOMC because of the gain features

Tube? I'd go to Trischler Professional Audio Devices TPAD $849 all tube, made in Ohio.That is what I have in my main system. In my back room, I have the Lounge Audio LCR MkIII, solid state $350. read the reviews. Both are great and affordable

Thank you everyone for your input!  I’m intrigued by the Hagerman Cornet 4, on sale currently for $500, the downside is it’s MM only with zero adjustments.  I don’t want to rule out a MC cartridge in my future (without having to buy more gear).  I do think a tube / hybrid approach may be my best bet here and so I’m likely to pull the trigger on the Black Ice F9 hybrid preamp, while I’d love the F159 which is much more known and reviewed, it’s twice the price at nearly $2k and used ones seem unicorns.