PayPal imposed draconian security blocks AFTER I sold my unit

I have been relatively happy with PayPal for the small number of transactions I have made over the last 15 years or so. However, they overstepped the mark this last transaction - requiring about 6 forms of proof that I was not a business - culminating in a passport picture. Bank statements, enhanced drivers ID, receipt of sale, of original purchase were also needed, including confirmation that I have no stock room or store.

i called their live support Sunday and was offered some hope that they could see past the AI and see the simple history of a hobbyist. Not to be, I gave them their pound of flesh so I could get my money transferred to my bank. If they had notified me when listing I would have not used PayPal. Moving forward I will refrain from using PayPal unless absolutely necessary. It amounted to cyber blackmail.



You know who else is doing this? Facebook. They want all that kind of info (Including driver license). Needless to say, I told FB where they can put it.

Also...this site is getting to be more trouble than it’s worth, with the silly "checking you connection" nonsense. And it logged me out for no reason and locked me out after 2 log in attempts., Had to reset name and password. But at least once you get in, the site is slow and clunky. So, there’s that.

Thanks to all for sharing your experiences-I certainly will be patient and use a bank check moving forward.  Cash is freedom of choice and time.  Long live cash!

It don't even matter, soon enough Canada is going to become the 51st state. Or Canadians would prefer to become Chinese province ? Their call. No, no other choices, don't fool yourselves.

Wait until AI is more actively implemented, both in the US and Canada. When money is in the bank it's no longer your money in the full sense of it. Dark ages are coming.

I will agree with @glennewdick that the Canadian banking system is far more easier on the end user. I recently purchased an item from a resident of Quebec (I’m an American). He offered free shipping in Canada and asked for ‘Electronic Funds Transfer’ a service US banks don’t provide. Long story short, I had to pay a 3-6% fee to PayPal and wait a week for it to clear. The whole experience was a bit frustrating, but I got a relatively good deal on the equipment.