Bowers & Wilkins 801D4 Signature


I have 2 homes (one in Brazil and one I recently bought for my summer holidays in Germany). In Brazil I have the 801D4 and wanted to buy the same speakers for my new home in Germany. But my dealer suggested to buy the 801D4 Signature and told me they sound far better and there is a big improvement in sound.
Can anyone confirm this please?

Thank you kindly.



Do yourself a Bigfavor Perlisten S7 I think better and can be bought under $20 k

I have heard both, and thinking about moving to the regular version from my Audiovector R3, I did hear a difference, but not enough to make up for the price in my opinion. Now, that could have been because the regular was driven by a Classe delta stereo, my current amp, and the signature was driven by pass labs, can’t remember the model. But I generally don’t like pass labs. 

(it was at a dealer and it was in two different rooms.)

It is critical to know whose signature. If it’s MJ’s signature then by all means go for it.