Amps for Egglestonworks Andra II or Sophia 2

After many years, I'm interested in upgrading my system with great full range speakers. I'm currently using really old Meridian active speakers, so I will need amplification too. I have a Meridian 508.24 CD player and a Sonic Frontiers Line-2 pre-amp, and I intend to keep those.

I don't really want to spend more than $9K total.

The two speakers I'm most interested in are the Egglestonworks Andra II and the Wilson Audio Sophia 2. I have heard neither of these speakers, but they both have glowing reviews. Years ago, I had heard the Egglestonworks Rosa and I liked them, though they were close together in a smallish room. The best thing I've ever heard was a high dollar setup with Wilson Maxx 2 speakers in a large room. I guess I'm getting at the fact that I have enjoyed the sound of both families of speakers, and would probably adapt to either and be happy if I could integrate them into my challenging room. The reported mid-bass hump of the Andra gives me a little pause, but most people seem to love them.

It looks like the Sophia 2 is going to be somewhere around $7200 on Agon, and the Andra II might be a grand cheaper. I've seem many people state in these forums that the Andras don't shine unless you have big amps driving them, and that makes me wonder if the total system cost will be higher with them.

I did a little looking around and it sounds like the Parasound A21 is a good amp for the money. Can anyone advise me as to whether that has enough gusto to run either pair of these speakers near their potential?
If money is tight, try a BAT VK-300SE integrated.
These sell for ridiculously low prices, have 300 watts @ 4ohms, and will spank the Parasound in the musicality dept.
You WILL need to upgrade the 6H30 driver tubes to NOS "DR" version as the new ones are unreliable crap (and don't sound very good).
The VK-300s have been around a long time so look for a serial number whose last three digits are greater than 400.
Skip the phono stage if you have a choice (mediocre).
P.S. Your speaker choices are on my list as well!

great system that you are attempting to build. If you want solid-state look into Bryston-sounds great on both speakers.

If you want tubes- ARC, Conrad Johnson or B.A.T.
Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
LAMM M 1.2 OR LAMM M 2.2 with success in my ancient set up. Those two speakers are a bit on the analytical side ....

Be carefull !!!!!
I wouldn't be able to listen to either of these unfortunately. With the Andra II, I could afford a bigger amp, but I assume they'd probably need it.

I do think I want solid state amps. I know some people get excited about trying new tubes, but the process always gets on my nerves a bit. I will look and see if there are Bryston or LAMM amps for $2k or $3k.

I know I'm not going to get 100% out of either speaker with a used amp in these price ranges, but do you guys think they'll still get me 95% of the way there?