Horns with good timbre and tonality?

I’m looking into buying a pair of horns for my next speaker. I sold my Sonus Faber Elipsa SE. Looking for a more realistic, more lively sound. I’ve heard the Triangle Magellan and enjoyed the sound, but wonder if there is better.

I appreciate speed and dynamics with good timbre and tonality. I know horns are good with speed and dynamics, but not sure if they can do timbre and tonality like SF can.

Looking at German Blumenhofer FS1 / FS2, French Triangle magellan, Fleetwood deville, Avantgarde.

It will be paired with Mastersound 845 Evolution SET or Auris Fortissimo amp.

Room size 40 x 15 x 8 feet

Must realistically play Solo Piano, Cello and full scale symphony.



I've heard several Horn brands but the ones that stand out at least for my taste are Odeon speakers from Germany.

Most engaging and organic Horns i've ever heard.

This is what i would get if i wanted to buy Horns.



odeon looks very interesting and they have a showroom in Brooklyn. Will definitely check them out, thanks ! 
Is there a place I can hear the Avantgarde in northeast US? 

I have been looking for some and the Tobian TS sounds pretty good, I think “Horns” from Germany too, Stein Music and Acapella Audio Arts 

@ei001h wrote:

"Do you think they can reproduce dynamics ?"


And @audiokinesis is correct. Timbre is very difficult to reproduce properly. Martin Logan Renaissance ESL 15A do this very, very well.

But don't take my word for it, go have a listen to them. There must be at least one ML dealer around you.

I also suggest you try the Volti Audio Rivals w/ your set up. I owned & enjoyed Avantgardes ( first Unos & then Duos) w/ Art Audio amps for several years & they’re very good in many ways although quite directional, didn't image that well & tricky to integrate their own powered subs. 

The Rivals are overall more enjoyable & sound more like live music to me . They’re easy to set up& get sounding very good, not crazy big or crazy expensive. They can easily fill a big room w/ not that many good watts.  Worth a listen.