CEC CD Transports on eBay: Are they fake?

I’m looking at one of the dozens of supposedly brand new CEC CD transports on eBay. I hear rumors of many of them being fakes. Does anyone have experience with buying one of these who received a confirmed authentic unit?


@charles1dad BTW, I have a Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC -- so perhaps that needs to be considered, too. I don't think the Tambaqui is analytical, but it is highly resolving.


A friend had the CEC TL2 for some years and I was very familiar with it. No direct comparison with my RS2T. Upper level CEC transports provide high quality sound presentation. The RS2T is exceptionally resolved and yet very natural sounding.

The particular DAC utilized imparts on the overall sound unquestionably. Your Mola Mola DAC and my Abbas Esoteric 3,2SE are quite different so that’s an additional factor in play regarding assessment.


Thanks, @charles1dad! I will familiarize myself with the Abbas and see if any inference can be made (difficult, of course). Thanks again!


I have not heard the Tambaqui but I recognize that it is highly admired and praised. I believe that you’d be happy pairing it with any of the high quality upper tier transports under your consideration.
