Heavy Vinyl

I did a search and see that this hasn't been discussed in quite a while. Heavy vinyl is touted as being better for sound quality. I wonder about this. For a start, it is more susceptible to warps and particularly those short duration warps that really give the cartridge a hard time. Second, in my own listening across a fairly extensive record collection, I'm not hearing any particular sonic revelations from heavier records. I'm more inclined to believe that the critical factor is the quality of the vinyl  and the stampers used rather than the thickness of it. Other thoughts?



45rpm is better, LP needs to be quiet of course.

Less content per side, which is why 45 lost to 33 except juke boxes ...

Ry Cooder, by the river, with an Indian master, learned about it here.


I have 2008 reissue by Analogue Productions, original all analog recording by Water Lily Acoustics in 1993

Vishwa Mohan Bhatt and Ry Cooder. Album notes are informative.

I have a couple other 45 rpm LPs, can't remember ....

Better, but I don't think I would spend the money for 45's anymore, and based on several warped, I'm not spending for 180 gram anymore either.

If well engineered, it's the content

" 45rpm is better, LP needs to be quiet of course. "

I agree with elliotbewcombjr  at the same time I've found that 2 record 33rpm version records sound better than the single version .  

I don't have a 2 record version of the same album at 45rpm and 33rpm so I can't say which is responsible or more responsible for the improvement of the sound the speed or the wider grooves . 

I have a album that is only available as a 45rpm 2 record set  and it is fantastic ,         "I Am The Resurrection"  A Tribute To John Fahey 




@vair68robert - A tribute to John Fahey? I didn't know such a thing existed; that must be quite the endeavor - I'm trying to imagine how you'd 'interpret' John Fahey without being him! I will look into this, thanks... 

Thanks for all the replies. I think, maybe I have a different definition of warped because its a very exceptional record that is truly flat in the first place.

Picking up on something else in the discussion, I don't buy much new vinyl because I'm not interested in anything sourced from a digital file (which is pretty much everything contemporary) but such recent vinyl as I have bought has been disappointing in terms of the quality of the vinyl and associated noise. This is even after ultrasonic cleaning, so it's intrinsic to the vinyl stock itself.