Sugden Amps

Hello wise men,

I have used tubes with my Klipsch Heritage speakers, lately having problems and tired of tubes. I just need to put they away for a while so need a good SS integrated that will pair well with my speakers. Something not fatiguing and I can listen all day…what do you guys think of a Sugden integrated?..I just want to turn it on and it’s good all day everyday. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated…

‘thanks a lot..


Sugden is really nice, some also like Belles. I don't know what your budget is, but the Sugden Masterclass integrated is a really wonderful end-game piece. 

Another option is the current "amp-of-the-month", Musical Fidelity A1 integrated. Runs in class-A (like the Sugden) and costs $1700. May be hard to find.

I was thinking the Sugden A21..I watched the video Kevin Deal made on the Musicsl Fidelity A1 integrated….don’t really trust his salesman words..

Well, I would definitely describe the Sugden as being on the 'not fatiguing' side of the spectrum for a solid-state amp and it does sound warm, BUT ideally I think you should try to hear it with your speakers. It's got a very rich, syrupy warm sound that may or may not work with your speakers. Perhaps one piece of information that might be useful to have is the type of music you prefer and the sound quality you prefer in audio equipment. 


The Belles has a tonally more neutral sound than the Sugden. A more expensive option might be the Pass 25-watt Class A INT-25 integrated.