Preamp has too much gain

This is my first post here. I have a Consonance Reference 1.1 preamp that has too much gain. Is there anyway I can reduce the gain without any loss to the sound and does any member know how I can go about purchasing a schematic. I try to fax them, but their tel. number is not in service.

I had a preamp with a Goldpoint stepped volume pot with too much gain and installed Takman resistors on the pot and fixed the problem.

In-between the pre and power amplifier, insert another passive preamp ( without power), that let you adjust anytime in the future.


LOL, maybe he did 16 years ago but now this thread came back to life I need some help with my Audio Research LS1 Line Stage's gain control.

I am streaming Eversolo DMP-A6 into the LS1 at line level.  A6 is using volume bypass but it is so loud that I can use only 1-2 clicks on the LS1 gain level knob.

I then use the CD inputs on the LS1 because it lowers the input by 10db and now I can use 3-4 clicks on the gain knob but it is still far below the 9 o'clock position. Reading from above I now know this can impact the sound quality.

I do have the option of turning the volume bypass off in the A6 and it can lower the volume coming out of the streamer.  However, that is a digital volume control and my understanding is attenuating it will impact the dynamic frequency and is not ideal.

The LS1 user manual did mention that doing some de-soldering "gain change connection" on the circuit board can reduce all line inputs by 6 db.  Is this the best way to go or is there an easier way?

The power amp is a Classe CA-2200 (200W x 2).

Thanks for any help on the subject!







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