Modwright PH 9.0X Tube Rolling Question

I recently acquired a used PH 9.0X phono preamp and
I want to upgrade the Russian 6922 tubes. Anyone have
any experience with this particular preamp? I'll be looking
for NOS tubes.  


Dan has two that are his top picks, an NOS GZ34 or 5R4GY 

The NOS GZ34`s are pretty steep $$$  

Hi @scm  - I just got my Modwright 9.0X PSU moded to use tube rectification. I am ready to try some vintage tubes. There is a white ceramic resistor right next to the tube socket. Tubes with wide bases (like the coke bottle style RCA 5R4GYs) seem to tilt the resistor a little bit. Not a lot but surely noticeable. Modwright assured me that this was not a problem - but my OCD is kicking in to high gear. What was your experience like? See pics below.



@pistha  All I did was roll the tube in so that it didn`t lean one way or the other.

I wouldn`t worry about it one bit.

Did you listen first to the Sovtek ? Just curious 

@scm  - thanks. I did listen to the Sovtek. It defintely sounds more refined and there is a little more 'meat on the bone' - so to speak when compared to the SS rectifier. But I am waiting for the tonal richness and the big sound stage that Dan talks about. I hope the vintage tubes will deliver that!