
Responses from pistha

Modwright PH 9.0X Tube Rolling Question
Kristen did mention that the 5AR4 has the lowest forward voltage drop - I assume it just means more output DC voltage. Presumably this makes it possible for the unit to deliver the full spectrum of audio frequencies and hence sounds more dynamic. ... 
Modwright PH 9.0X Tube Rolling Question
@scm - I managed to get my hands on a NOS Mullard 5AR4 - boy what a transformational difference it made! Rich tonality, clean sound and wide sound stage. @theflattire  - the upgrade is worth the $.   
Modwright PH 9.0X Tube Rolling Question
@scm  - thanks. I did listen to the Sovtek. It defintely sounds more refined and there is a little more 'meat on the bone' - so to speak when compared to the SS rectifier. But I am waiting for the tonal richness and the big sound stage that Dan ta... 
Modwright PH 9.0X Tube Rolling Question
Hi @scm  - I just got my Modwright 9.0X PSU moded to use tube rectification. I am ready to try some vintage tubes. There is a white ceramic resistor right next to the tube socket. Tubes with wide bases (like the coke bottle style RCA 5R4GYs) seem ... 
Pass labs X250.5 cracking noise
@tonyptony - i've moved on! the cracking noise from the x250.5 doesnt bother me any more. It only happens during the first 10 mins and then after powering down the amp. @fabio3181's problem seems to be unrelated to thermal expansion - i wouldnt ex... 
Speaker upgrade question - Wilson vs Focal
@mepstein10 - don’t base your choice on electronics you have today! You can always change - Mac gear sells easily. I used to have a c2300 and it was under classing my Sophia 3.  - sold it in a jiffy. Life is short - get the Yvette- you’ll be happy!  
Why are there no Reviews of the Pass Labs XP-22. Is there anyone with strong feelings?
Bump+ Considering the xp22 for better synergy with the 250.5. But concerned that as OP mentions - can’t find too many reviews.  
What are the weak points of Pass amps and pre-amps ?
@medwardo - I have the X250.5 driving my sophia 3s and have the itch to move to an all class A. Even though the X250.5 offers the first 25W in class A. I spoke with Pass and they didnt think highly of a move from the 250.5 to the XA30/60.5. They d... 
Which would you choose; Pass 250.8, arc 75SE or luxman m900u?
@guyl - good to know you found the move from X250.5 to Ref 75 rewarding! Perhaps I should consider that move. I spent so much time talking to ARC and Pass before I made the decision to pair my Ref 5 SE with the X250.5 I was initially discouraged b... 
Which would you choose; Pass 250.8, arc 75SE or luxman m900u?
OP: I have the ref5se paired with a pass x250.5. Awesome details from arc matched with the fast and deep x250.5 - I am in heaven! I’ve pondered an all arc system - but fear it might be too clinical.  
Audio Research Ref 5 SE ting noise
thanks! that makes me feel better! i have another issue i could use help with. I notice on this pre-amp that it makes a rather audible hissing noise on the speakers when i use RCA connections. When i switch to XLR - it goes away. Both RCA and XLR ... 
Audio Research Ref 5 SE ting noise
you were spot on George! A slight flick pretty much reproduced the issue. I had the dealer send me some new tubes. While the new tubes (Sovtek 6H30P) arent as bad as the old ones (Electroharmonix) - they also make that noise. I am wondering if the... 
ARC Ref 5se inferior to LS28?
I recently auditioned the LS28 and Ref 5SE at a dealer. All else (Wilson Sasha DAW, kimber cables, arc ref250 amps, Linn akurate source, room position) remaining unchanged - the ref5SE offered a marginal improvement in presence, weight and sound s... 
DAC's....Ayre versus PS Audio
@reruam - what did you end up getting? I just got the DSJ on the 30 day trial. I am just a few days in on the burn-in and the unit is starting to come alive. @ toddcowles - what was your experience with the DSJ? I never was a big believer of burn... 
PS Audio Stellar vs. Classe
weakref - its never a bad idea to hook up speakers to more powerful amps. the speakers will only draw as much as they need based on your listening levels. supplying less power than speakers are rated for may result in clipping - which is lot more ...