wadia ipod dock-- anyone find faults?

see good things but also see resales after short use. anyone care to comment on weaknesses?
i just went back over the other threads, anyone have new thoughts. i saw one comment that there were other ways to get this done, perhap better, with wireless plus computer. however is ther any other ipod based solution better than this wadia?
I am also very interested in this ipod dock but see it requires a DAC, just what is a Digital to Analog Converter and what improvements do you gain from incorporating such a unit?
just what is a Digital to Analog Converter and what
improvements do you gain from incorporating such a unit?

Music. You get music.

A DAC converts a digital signal to an analog signal. Music is analog.

Without a DAC, you get a signal made up of very high-frequency pulses,
audible to bats.

It still wouldn't be music even to the bats. It only becomes music when you
count the pulses, then use the numbers to generate an analog signal. That's
what a DAC is for.