Ohm for Sale

I hope this is not the end……




They'll find a buyer because they are fairly unique in that no other American brand makes a speaker like theirs. I also don't believe that the sale is just because they aren't doing well. John Strohbeen is getting old and probably wants to get some rest!

@roxy54 yeah agree on all points. Will be interesting to see what happens. It’s not just the uniqueness of the product but the customer service including repairs upgrades and parts for most every model ever made over ~ 50 years or so. I don’t know of any other vendor who does that especially in this day and age.

I had seen/read about the "Up for Sale" a couple of days ago, and figured there would be a thread on it at some point.


I am sure John is probably looking forward to spending a bit more time maybe with his other interests in art, etc., and not having to man the Ohm ship. Maybe he will still continue to have some input, who knows how the sale will go down.


I am certainly hoping the best for Ohm though, and maybe there will also be some improvements brought about along the way with the new owners too. Hopefully, they will retain what has made Ohm what it is in all the good ways too!

Sorry to hear that. I've been on the fence for more than a year about buying a pair. Not being able to audition has held me back a bit. I hope they continue in business until something is worked out.

If I could get my wish I’d vote for whoever owns KEF these days to acquire Ohm and use their proven R&D resources to take the Ohm products to the next level the same way they do with current KE products. I think Ohm speakers would supplement the existing KEF line very nicely! Many others too perhaps mainly because they are battle proven and completely unique and not just a new brand name for basically the same old box speaker design approach.

Note: I run both smaller  KEF meta (with subwoofer added) and larger full range Ohm speakers in my main system these days, each in a different room. KEF has creeped up in my speaker company rankings in recent years greatly. If Ohm went under and my current Ohms bite the dust someday before I do, KEF would likely be where I would look to for practical replacements.