Does it make sense to "ignore low ball offers"?

Assuming the person wants to sell the item and is accepting offers (since he didn’t say the "price is firm") then why say "I will gladly ignore low ball offers" ?

Why not make a counteroffer to the low ball offer? Thats how cars, houses and most anything that doesn’t have a "firm" price is purchased.

If its because the seller doesn’t want to waste their time negotiating they should say so or simply grow-up a little bit and not get so easily offended by a low offer. Besides, a buyer has no idea what the seller is willing to accept unless you negotiate it.

I’ve sold and purchased a number items after negotiating from a low first offer.


It is a matter of personal style and preference.  I almost always respond, either stating my current price expectation or to simply say  “no.”  However, I certainly understand why others choose not to respond to low offers.  No right/wrong approach, just personal style and preference.

@mitch2 - You say: "I certainly understand why others choose not to respond to low offers." Why do think it is they don't respond?  The negotiation has to start somewhere.  If the potential buyer continues to make stupid low offers then its time to cut it off but to simply not respond doesn't make sense to me.

I don't negotiate with terrorist. I'll simply say "thank you but no" and be done with it. If they have any reasonable interest at all they'll make another offer. I've found getting a second offer rare

@elrod - yeah I agree with that. You respond and are open to another offer. My only difference is I give him a counteroffer. If he doesn't respond or gives me another stupid low offer then its over. 

I always respond with a sorry but this is my lowest I will go. I always respond and feel it is my obligation and courtesy as a seller.  I treat emails no different than an in person discussion. I don’t take low offers personally as an insult and have made sales this way as well.  Some sellers including me can overprice their item and a lowball offer may be closer to real market value and a compromise can be struck.   I can’t explain why others choose not to respond with a simple email. Have to ask those who choose not to explain why?