Riddle me this....

It was recently suggested to me that by reversing the polarity of two stereo

speakers it will readjust  the depth of field in your soundstage.


In case that is unclear- If a voice was perceived as being one foot behind the

speakers and you swapped the positive to negative on the terminals of both

speakers it would make that voice move to being perceived as 

one foot in front of the plane of two stereo speakers.


Has anyone heard of this experiment and what can you

share about it?



That won’t happen. It’s the same as flipping the polarity switch on your preamp or DAC, which typically changes the sound in ways that some people find inaudible most of the time and a few others other find highly important for musical realism. Most people seem to find it pretty subtle on most recordings.

Results Depend upon the type of speaker (unidirectional vs dipole vs bipole and line source vs point source), the room, and listener bias. But no, it’s not as simple as your proposal suggests. With my dipolar ESLs, I hear no effect at all of changing phase by 180 degrees.