I currently have the following system:

1. Martin Logan 11A impressions hybrid-subwoofer with electrostatic panels.

2. Conrad Johnson Classic 62 power amp-60 watts per channel (not the SE )

3. Chord Qtest DAC

4. Lumin U2 mini streamer

Adding the Lumin and streaming with Qobuz has improved the sound immensely from my Cary CD player being used as a transport and the Qtest DAC.

The Qtest Dac was around $2000.00. 

Looking for upgrade suggestions as thinking I can improve my sound further with a better sounding DAC.

Thank you. 




Try the Wyred4sound 10th anniversary DAC, it's $4,500 US and it's beaten dacs four times the price from Chord, COS 1, SIM audio Bricasti, would love to put it up against the way overpriced DCS and MSB DACs, it wouldn't shock me if it was as good or close to those way overpriced DACs, $80,000 that's a joke. one of the reviewers put it up against his VPI turntable with a $5,000 Japanese cartridge and he said it was every bit as analog sounding that's what made me try it and I never returned it, they also give you a 30-day money-back guarantee trial period.

Try the Wyred4sound 10th anniversary DAC, it's $4,500 US and it's beaten dacs four times the price from Chord, COS 1, SIM audio Bricasti, would love to put it up against the way overpriced DCS and MSB DACs, it wouldn't shock me if it was as good or close to those way overpriced DACs, $80,000 that's a joke. one of the reviewers put it up against his VPI turntable with a $5,000 Japanese cartridge and he said it was every bit as analog sounding that's what made me try it and I never returned it, they also give you a 30-day money-back guarantee trial period.

Lots of great recommendations here. If you want to squeeze as much performance out of your Qutest before the next big upgrade, I'd try a linear power supply, my Qutest responded nicely to the Sbooster, the extra filter thingy didn't seem to make any difference. I also think that the coax input sounds better than the USB. 

Most importantly, you can definitely improve your sound with some modest upgrades. Based on your budget you may want to consider looking at your cables, power cords, connections.  Spending money in this area would boost performance of your entire system.  As it relates to components I have not heard the Chord but have had Lumin in my system...D2 and T2.  What if you traded in the Chord and Lumin for a newer Lumin that does both (as others have suggested).  I think that is what I would do if it were me.  If you like the Lumin sound going up in their range only gets better.

Let us know how you make out!

Audio Mirror Toubadour IV SE R2R ( the best) with one Tube. Very musical with great soundstage.