Quicksilver V4 tubes

My monoblocks are from 2006 and I'm looking to retube them I've had the KT 88s in them and now I'm running EL34's but would like to go back to a more powerful tube such as maybe the KT150 would like some suggestions




I don't know your amp, and have no idea if KT120s or KT150s will work. I believe that The Tube Store has them in stock, but your should check current stock.

+1 on this suggestion. This is what I used in my QS V4 amps when I owned them


3,269 posts


KT 77 Gold lions sound best kind of a mix between a kt88 and el34 

My favorite tubes when I had my balanced V4’s were Ei KT90’s and GE 6L6GC’s. The 90’s were more powerful than the 6L6’s but the vocals with the 6L6’s were outstanding. My audio dealer likes KT 77’s in there now and he’s not a fan of the 150’s. The V4’s are the only amplifiers that I regret selling. Good Luck!