Cary SLI-80HS modifications

I’m strongly considering purchase of a new integrated amp. The Cary SLI-80HS is at the top of my list and I can’t find much information from people who opted for some of the available modifications — hexfeds, better caps, silver wiring, Greyhill volume control, improved binding posts.   I’m leaning toward getting all of them.  Opinions? 

Also, I’ve read that SS rectifiers can remove some of the tube “magic”.  What about in this specific model.  I’ve owned a 2009 era SLI-80 for almost 10 years so I am very familiar with the sound and improvements due to rolling tubes. I previously used a Plinius 9200 SS amp but got hooked on the sound of tubes.

BTW, I’m also considering a LTA ZOTL 40+ integrated but am a little concerned about its synergy with my beloved first-order crossover speakers, Meadowlark Osprey Gen 2.  

My most used equipment includes Aurender N150 streamer, Chord Qutest DAC with a Hugo M-Scaler, Cardas Golden Reference interconnects, Shunyata power cables and conditioner. Sadly, due to the living room location I must use a very long run of Nordost Super Flatline II cable (27 feet).

I’m looking for improved leading edge on plucked string instruments, especially basses, excellent timbre on everything.  90% of my listening is instrumental jazz, the rest is classic rock.  


txp1 - I'm wondering the same thing having bought an F-1 edition in 2007 and enjoying it for 4 years.  Great amp, I'm thinking about getting another HS model too.  Hopefully decooney chimes in.

@txp1 "hexfeds, better caps, silver wiring, Greyhill volume control, improved binding posts. I’m leaning toward getting all of them. Opinions? "

Sure @pehare I’ll chime in, fwiw. imo, I’d also suggest to opt sending your existing SLI-80 to a great local tech for a look-see and targeted upgrades. Sometimes I miss my former SLI-80 Signature, it had really nice upgrades done locally. Sounded amazing after similar upgrades. I was experimenting with Cary SLP-98 preamp at the time, and Cary Audio actually bought back my SLI-80 from me and gave me full price for it with upgrade costs (no joke). They wanted to study the upgrades my local friend and tech did for me before he retired. They had it in the showroom there at Cary listening to it, and were very complimentary. They had few customers queued up who dropped by to hear it. They resold it the week it arrived and the new owner was absolutely thrilled with it. It was the local tech upgrades that brought that amp to another new level. And, maybe I’m a diehard for the older Cary stuff sometimes too. You can also check out what you have now for an uplift.

Or, nothing wrong with buying the new SLI-80HS, with all upgrades, yet you’ll be paying for stock tubes you might put back in the box and replace those anyhow. The older Upscale inspired F1 version can be improved upon by a great tech, maybe someone here will chime in who’s taken an older SLI-80 to the next level like I had prior.

Personally I dont know if I’d do the SS rectifiers today if I picked up another SLI-80. I knew the former designer there who’s long gone, and we talked about this some, and your note about this is correct. My existing tube mono block amps have SS rectification, its nice too. However sometimes I miss a bit of the tube bloom there too. Fast vs. slow, ... Grass is greener some times. Something about older designs that can work too given a makeover. 

Best of Luck on the decsions.


@pehare @decooney  Thank you for your very thoughtful input! I really appreciate that.  There’s only one tech in my local area who even works on audio equipment. I’ll need to do some searching.  And unfortunately the new SLI-80HS is only available WITH the solid state rectification. So there is no choice about that.

Decisions, decisions.  Cary currently has a nice sale ongoing.  Maybe I’ll get the new HS model and try to find a good tech for the old one. Then keep the one that I think sounds best.

The only thing nice about getting old is you don’t need to save as much money!