Marantz SA7S1 owners - stock or modded

Looking to hear from any Marantz SA7-S1 owners with either stock or Underwood Mod's. I have a modded SA11-S1 and am wondering what I'm missing.
Hi Jgwilson

Since you have a mod marantz sa11s1 why dont you listen to an esoteric in your system (if you have not done).

I have a marantz sa11s1 and AA Capitol Ref se.
Marantz is really good for rock music too - excellent timming.
AA dosent do rock music as good as marantz - timming not as good as marantz.
I dont listen to rock much. But this timming thing was very well evedent in metallica "nothing else matters" song.

When it comes to musicality, AA far superior marantz.
MAY BE AA is a bit slow sounding than marantz,that makes AA more musical .

I have not listen to an esoteric. May be esoteric fills the gap, with excellent timming and musicality

good luck Wilson
Marantz cd players use Electrolytic capacitors on the output. Last time I check, they also used HDAM (high-definition audio modules)as the ouput stage. The resulting sound is fast transients and a "harshness" to vocals. One experience with Marantz cd players was enough for me.
My strong suggestion would be to sell your SA7S1 to the highest bidder on A'gon and purchase a McIntosh MCD500....a better player all around and no need to mod.
I have no doubt that in your room, in your system, you are hearing something you find too bright and etched. However, since none of the many professional reviews, nor reviews from long-time owners (including myself), have expressed hearing anything similar (always quite the opposite, that the SA-7S1 is warm, smooth, and relaxed), I have to believe that it's something else in your system, or, more likely, your room (do an accurate room measurement and I bet you'll find a boost at 2K - 4K, or suckout in the 90 - 160hz range). My system: Krell KCT pre, Krell FBC 400cx amp, Aerial 10T speakers, Nordost Blue heaven interconnects and cables (so nothing here smoothing the edges!).
Anyone who hears the Marantz as bright hype detailed has something a miss in there system.Perhaps out of absolute phase, if you run XLR out remember pin 2 is reversed compared to USA balanced inputs, the phase switch should be engaged to put the signal back in proper phase.

If not depending of the disc anything from dull to flat sounding to no body and bright.

The Marantz is so close to the state of the art, that you can improve upon it, but you better have a large bank account to spend.