Should I steer clear of class D amps

I’m finally upgrading my amp. I currently have an Onkyo TXNR 636 which has served very well but it’s now the weakest component in my system.

I’ve a budget of up to £1200-£1300 and been looking at the NAD C3050.

I was initially drawn to the NAD C3050 when I saw the VU meters but these are not deal breakers if I can get a much better amp without them, but I really do like them. I spoke with a dealer and he mentioned all NAD amplifiers are now class D and that’s now where I’m stuck procrastinating my purchase. My understanding was class D never really took off, despite the power efficiency due to the HF noise caused by the PWM. Times change things improve but I can’t find much about how they have mitigated this, in fact an article in EETimes refers to how the tests performed for THD etc are quite irrelevant in a digital amp and quoted figures may be very different in real life. In essence, the way of testing makes them look better than they are. This may be true but do they sound good? We all know vinyl is technically an inferior medium but I certainly prefer it’s sound.

I am listening to classic/ heavy rock and a mixture of lossless streaming from a NAS into a Cambridge Audio CNX V2 and vinyl off a Technics 1500C with a Pro-Ject DS phono stage all into monitor audio bronze 5s. 

I need a new amp. I need slapping out of my indecision but it’s not an insignificant amount of £££ and I want to get it right. Should I stick with AB ? My electric bill can’t withstand class A or valve regardless of sound quality. 

Also what’s the thoughts on NAD in general, I’m my youth they were good amps, but then so were Pioneer. 


I have been a class A / AB Tube guy since I started in this hobby years ago....Now I'm strictly class D Integrated...Aavik u-150 . This amp made Steve Huff put his Pass and Nagra gear out to pasture. Aavik makes the creme de la creme of class D gear...Then comes GATO, also from Denmark at around 4K ...The  Peachtree GaN 400 for $2500. This is an awsome Smooth Musical amp...but use a tube preamp with it. Starcrimson from Orchard Audio is inexpensive and also very musical.  Good Luck. Class D is here ! A/AB is old school and the people blasting Class D haven't heard how it actually is smoother and more musical and won't keep your A/C running constantly. Good Luck to you..

Thank you all, some really good info, even products out of the price I’m willing to drop atm are valid as I can look at how they are implementing the technology, which is I think where it can fall down. 
@oldaudiophile I listen loud as often as I can get away with it, I do say if I don’t feel like I’m sitting in Hammersmith Odean pass the remote. Doesn’t help the tinnitus from playing lead guitar at unholy volumes though. The VU meters are just eye candy, I’ll drop them in a heartbeat if needed. I wanted the Yamaha AS1100, brilliant amp and a looker to boot but they replaced it and hiked the price. 
@jeffseight Thank you, shame but a bit of a hop from Dorset. I’ll look out for the feedback though, I’m never hurried in a purchase.

@mitch2 I grew up on technics class AA and couldn’t be shifted from their amps, until everything went digital, threw my lot in with CD and gave my albums to my sister and slowly fell out of love with music. It At the time I thought it was the equipment I could afford, everything went downhill sometime in the mid 90s, my current Onkyo while a compromise with the surround sound, is a very good powerful amps for the money, did have issues with the HDMI and mine now throws an error and turns off in the heat of the summer if I give it the beans, it’s a cooling issue. I probably spent 6-8 months listening to different amps in different listening rooms. I was disappointed to hear Onkyo went under and are now part of Pioneer. 
As others have mentioned, weight is a factor. I have a chronic illness that vocal leave me nailed to the sofa or in bed for days, I can’t lift and clean around this amp anymore, it’s not even a beast like some own. My wife refuses to touch any of my HiFi or guitars, I’m happy with that, even if i make inhuman noises shifting stuff.

Sevenoaks audio have agreed if I want to demo this NAD they will organise a courier to pick it up if I don’t like it, that’s customer service right there.

Apologies for the late reply, I live a complicated little life. 

thank you all again


I think you have to start with the premise that whatever amp you are now using, a different amp will likely sound different...maybe better and maybe not.  And the reasons for the difference we hear are many...and class d vs class??? is just one of the reasons.  Another is that you may prefer a totally different sound profile from what I prefer.

With that in mind, it is important that you try whatever you are considering in your system with the potential to return if the sound isn't too your liking...and there is nothing wrong with starting out with a class d as there are a number of good choices from good companies...and if you like one of the amps you bring home, class d or not...stop looking and just enjoy it for a while!


I have owned the Nuforce Reference 9 SE mono amps for about 6 years.  Bob Smith did the TDSS level 3 upgrades to them about  5 years ago and he then did the latest CapCellBar upgrades to them about 3 years ago.  The level 3 upgrades were very significant, but the CCB upgrades were phenomenal on top of the level 3.  I added the SR Purple fuses to them about 1 year ago.  They had the SR Black, then SR Orange prior to that.  All were easily noticeable and much better sounding in all areas than their prior sound.  These are class D amps from about 2008 or so originally.  The upgrades have made them superior to every amp I've heard them against in most all areas and with several different speakers.  I use them with VMPS RM40 BCSE w/MLS cabinets and all the upgrades except the OXO.  
