How to prevent visitors from touching your system

It’s amazing, no matter if it’s your friends or just anyone else walking into your listing room, what is the first thing that happens? They have to reach out and touch something. Like this is the first piece of real equipment they have ever seen. Has anyone else had this experience? What can be done to prevent this except posting signs or telling people every single time? Gets kinda frustrating.


With so more kindness i only can say thanks...

And wish more than only my best for you...

@mahgister So happy you are back. I appreciate you.  



Everyone I know does not touch, they may look and admire. I believe they respect the fact that it is not theirs, so no touchie touchie....

Friends to touch my audio gear, who needs friends when I have records to fondle er ah play. Aaaaaahhhhhh vinyl.

No, no, no, is that a Scratch what to do, what to do, no,no,no,no.

Records to die for, equipment to touch. 

Post removed 

I have a cage of barely visible chicken wire around my rack which has the same voltage as my 300B vacuum tubes, i.e. 450V. When folks touch it they get really shaken up, which triggers a trapdoor right under them, landing them on a heap of old cassette tapes in the crawl space.