Picking Speakers 20k-30k

Recently built a HiFi System with much help from this site, now I’m looking at upgrades.  Strongly considering an all-Aavik system but looking at speaker options before I pull the trigger on anything, hence the following question: If you were buying new speakers in the 20-30k range (used or new), what’s on your shortlist?  Bonus points if you have suggestions based on synergy with Aaviks electronics.

If it helps the conversation: 21’X 19’ treated listening room with cathedral ceiling. Listen to a wide variety of music.

thanks for your expertise!


I would give a pair of Audiovector R6 Aretté a serious listen. Or check out a pair of TAD Labs CE1-TX.

Try to audition https://www.linkwitz.com/lx521

Best speaker you'll ever hear at any price. They are not polished pieces of furniture but will disappear when working.

Can’t you hire a home theatre installer to setup your room? Here we’re just talking over text. But there are so many parameters to consider and it starts with a blueprint of the room. There are plenty of speakers under $30k, but they may as well sound like $5k speakers if they’re not setup properly in your room. 

I would recommend listening to 30.7 Maggie’s.  It is all about what you like and the only way to know is to hear them.  If you are open to planars they should at least be on the list to check out.  Everyone has different ideas about what is best for them, if I had the $$$ to move up to your price point I would enjoy the journey and check out the many choices.