Will I benefit from upgrading REL subwoofer pair

Hi Audiogoners,

I am only about 4 years into my quality audio journey. As a result, I bought elements of my set up at different times in the journey. Right now, I am using a Lumin T2 feeding a Hegel H390 amp which animate Focal Kanta 2 speakers. All cables upgraded. I also have duel REL Tx/7 subwoofers - which I thought were great until I upgraded my ethernet switch.

This small change lowered the noise floor in my largish (25' x 20') room and suddenly the subs started to sound a little flabby. So I upgraded their hi-level connection to the REL Bassline Blue cables. Much much better. 

But it led me to wonder if I should sell the duel Tx/7 subs and get a single REL S510 (and eventually 2 of the S510s). 

I *think* the speed of the Tx/7 s is sufficient but they may not be a match for the Kanta 2 speakers.... 

Does anyone have any experience with these components? Or advice?

Thanks Nadine



Phase and time alignment are two separate issues. A sub can be in phase with the main speakers but two cycles late. The sub has to be in phase and on time. The only ways to adjust time are either by digitally delaying the "late" speaker or moving the speakers relative to each other. That can be 15 feet or more in some instances.


Good, you are a serious listener. I hate to waste a lot of hot air on someone who is not.  

The low pass filter that most subwoofers have is only good for mediocre performance at best. The same holds true for subwoofers that have passive radiators. Rel makes subwoofers that can be added to a system in the least expensive way possible. 

Part of the beauty of subwoofers is that they allow you to remove distortion creating bass from the main speakers. The result, besides cleaner sound, is better imaging. This requires a two way crossover that puts a high pass filter on your Focals. Unfortunately, you have traveled down a road with a dead end by getting an integrated amplifier that does not have an amplifier input. You can not use a crossover or processor with it. If you wanted to do this in economically acceptable steps. You need to get a stand alone amplifier. Hegel makes several of them. Your dealer may allow you to trade your integrated in. Along with the amp buy a MiniDSP SHD digital preamplifier. They are only $1300. The SHD will measure your system with a microphone, correct many problems and provide a full crossover for your subwoofers. Next and last would be to upgrade the subwoofers. Two 12 inch units by JL Audio or SVS will do. If you think cables make a difference, wait till you get a load of this!

If you decide to go this way and have any problems setting it up feel free to message me. 


@mijostyn For sure, I have made mistakes in my purchasing. I was so ignorant when I began and never imagined that my ears would become so critical. I have browsed the mini DSP site and believe that I can add a SHD studio to my system as I already have a DAC/streamer (Lumin T2) as well as the integrated amp. Am writing them a support ticket to inquire.

So to everyone who suggested that I start to measure @erik_squires ​​​​@hilde45 , I am convinced - if still reluctant. Going to order the mic to start.


@hilde45 asked.   Why REL? Other subs have variable phase, which can prove critical to integration. 



Do REL’s sound terrible if trying to integrate them like a normal subwoofer?  Meaning putting a digital high pass on the main speakers and a digital low pass on the rel using the low level or the LFE input on the back of the REL?