Have a reflective Memorial day.

For all the veterans, veteran families and those who support veterans in the US and abroad I want to personally thank you. Thanks for all the courage, sacrifice and honorable things you have done. And please reflect on this day and honor what others have done for you, for your way of life. Say thanks to a veteran and their family...

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2x2psyop

Spent the whole day watching World War II in color. Being amazed, thinking about my grandfather being in the Navy. I couldn’t imagine being on the ship and having Japanese zeros trying to take you out. Those guys had big balls back from those days.

Post removed 

Memorial Day is not a holiday so we as Americans can honor the elite ruling class but the men and women who served and did their duty, at costs some of us will never truly understand or appreciate. It should be clear to all now, that we the masses are just cannon fodder for the interests of global money. God bless those who fought and died, but it would be a just cause to have less of them.

Wow- we have some really sick punks on this board. Thank a veteran for the freedom you have to spew your filth. God bless all the veterans and their families and God bless the USA! 

@2psyop +1

@mijostyn +1

@newbee +1

@recklesskelly +1

@raysmtb1 +1

@nonoise +1