DAC improvement

Interested in hearing from those who have gone to a standalone DAC. Particularly those models from Benchmark. Would like info as to (1) what component you are using to feed the DAC (2) the component to which you have the output of the DAC connected (3) the type of connection (4) what setup you were using before going to the DAC, and (5) your take on the benefits experienced from the change.
imac-usb (kimber Kable) benchmark-bent audio tvc-parasound jc 1- soundlab a3 with balanced connections. The jury is still out on the tvc as I need to upgrade my xlr cables... The biggest improvement I have had was switching to a server as opposed to using transports.
Esoteric SA-60 via a reimyo digital cable to a reimyo 999 Dac. The 999 is reimyo's newest Dac and it blows everything else out. (and yeah the dealer had the benckmark new Dac which is ok but nothing close to the 999 of course list on the 999 is $8900 v/ $1299 for the benchmark and no the 999 does not have a usb out. Before this I was using the SA-60 balanced outs. The benefit- the 999 is better than any digital I have heard. Period. No money aside.
I was using a 1995 Teac VRDS-25 CDP in my second system with Meitner preamp/power amp and Tannoy System 12 DMT speakers. Added a Benchmark DAC1 with unsurprising improvements in every audio parameter, except bass weight. Then I optimized the Teac as a transport with new parts (power supply caps, master clock, digital output board) from ASE-Audiotuning in Germany). Further improvements in bass weight, "presence" and overall resolution.

I have to say, though, the new Bryston BCD-1 CD player has replaced this combo: it is superior in every way.

My main digital source remains superior to both: Teac P-70/Universal Audio 2192, but it retailed at more than 4 times the Bryston BCD-1.
I also had the Benchmark dac-1 in my system.
Then I auditioned the Bryston BCD-1 and sold the Dac-1.
The BCD-1 has excellent bottom end,air ect.She's alot closer to the analog sound which I like alot.I am using the analog outs of the BCD-1 into my AV-8(stereo direct)no processing.
I even took out my DD-15 for music as the BCD-1 gives me more
refined bottom end weight.I hope this is my last cdp,she's
very satisfying.
I replaced a Cary 303/300 with a QSonix server into a DAC-1. The Benchmark is a "leaner" sounding unit than the Cary (even with the Cary's ss output stage) in the loop. The DAC-1's sound polarizes opinion like so many other compnents with this tonal quality (IMHO Quads, the original Merlin VSM, and some of the ARC electronics also share this sound). Some say "transparent" other say "dry or analytical".

IMHO, the DAC-1 requires an audition even more than most components. It is also more likely to be system dependant than most components. The rest of this system is a Joule pre into either PrimaLuna monos or TAD Hibachi monos into either Verity Parsifal Encores or Merlin VSMs. The speakers and amps are the primary options in current rotation. FWIW, in this system (particularly with the Veritys) I like my DAC-1 a lot.

Good Luck,
