Why are People Dumping their Audio Research Gear and What Does it Say about them?

Title says it all. Either you like it and it sounds good or not. What does it say about dealers that are dumping their demos? 

Ag insider logo xs@2xstephens770

Dump away! I’ll happily buy any ARC gear for $1 or maybe more, subject to negotiation. 

I agree with @ideal8592   I will be pleased to take any ARC off of any of you if you want to dump it in my lap.  

From what I have seen, the prices are holding pretty well--at least they are mostly above what I can afford.  I did see a VT-100 up the road from me that is reasonable...I will give the owner a call.

Anyone wants to "dump" a pair of 610's or 750's on me for a few bucks, or a working D-150, give me a shout!


After being seriously into McIntosh & Gryphon gear, I was absolutely blown away by a REF160s so I bought it and added a REF 6SE. Never going back. 

Good Luck ARC….!

I wonder what Audio Research's agreement with audio dealers has as requirements.  I have seen my favorite store selling ARC demos AND they are selling demo equipment for VTL, Linn, Moon and others.  

I wonder if the sales are based on guidance for equipment on display, pricing guidance or product lifecycle considerations.  

@ideal8592  @winoguy17  +1 to each of you. Could someone please post a link to the dump? I think I might know the same guy!