Cleaning audio components with 90% isopropyl alcohol

I am about to clean the cable tips and the component input jacks with 90% isopropyl alcohol. The question is, how long do I have to wait before I plug everything back in? Thanks everyone.


WD-40 Specialist Contact Cleaner for sensitive electrical parts specifically formulated for quick drying. 


Yes l also use CRC, works very well  I also use it sometime to clean the internals of my stereo equipment  I blow out all the dust first, of coarse 

I use99% pure from Amazon  then put a thin coat of  Stabilant which is a contact enhancer , NASA has been using this fr years ,my uncle is a master technician turned me on to this years ago if you don’t move cables around often this will keep cables from oxydation for over 12 years verywell proven can also buy on Amazon 

I buy the concentrate a little bottle last for years.