Marantz PM Ki Ruby vs Musical Fidelity M6si

I have narrowed down the options to drive my Dali Rubicon 5s. 
I’ve heard that unlike most marantz reference series gear, the ruby is not as warm. Also, uses a Class D instead of the usual Class A or A/B.

interestingly enough, I tried the musical fidelity m5si and it sounded quite good with my speakers.  It wasn’t as bright as I expected. It was lively yet warm. My budget allows me to go for the next level, so I’m wondering if I should go for the warmer Marantz Ruby or the MF m6si instead. 
If you own either of these amps, plz could you share your thoughts? There aren’t many reviews and really need your help. thanks!


I have owned an M6si for two years now and it's really good, especially for the price. I am using a Mofi UltraDeck with it and it is dead quiet. no buzzing or any noise. The cables you use with it are really important. I am using all Cardas Clear Cygnus with balanced to my Oppo 205. This is one powerful and dynamic amp with detailed, but non fatiguing sound. It also controls speakers with precision. I couldn't be more pleased with it. I'm still trying to decide on adding a phono preamp to it. The built in phono preamp sounds really good with high quality vinyl, but I would like to take it to a higher level. My phono cable is also Clear Cygnus.

I own the Musical Fidelity M-6Si integrated amp. I am VERY surprised it sounds this good

The Musical Fidelity M6si offers excellent performance, facilities, and power. As per the Musical Fidelity web site “Internally, the M6si is configured as 2 independent monobloc power amps with a separate preamp. It is, in fact, a preamp with 2 monobloc power amps that just happen to share the same casework. The M6si has 220wpc. It has very low distortion, outstanding noise ratio and extremely flat frequency response”.

I am very happy with my Musical Fidelity M-6Si integrated amp since this amplifier deliveries the sound quality I am looking for.