One of the great things about Vinyl

Is I find myself listening to recordings all the way through.

Rarely do that with CD's and/or streaming.


@oddiofyl Thanks, it is only temporary as I can now use MC cartridges.   I think I'm going to buy a record cleaner next and then experiment with a nice MC 

I think you have your priorities right! Clean records are much bigger improvement over a change in cartridge. If all vinyl magically came out of the sleeve ultimately clean, then even small cartridge changes would be apparent. Without clean vinyl, big cartridge changes are hard to hear.

@oddiofyl @dogberry You are both right! I was fortunate to get on the record cleaning train as a young audiophile using a vacuum cleaning machine called a “Rec O Vac”.  After inserting the album vertically into the machine, you turned it on and the machine rotated the record while very fine, soft bristles lifted dust out of the grooves as the dust was then vacuumed away. Because of using that machine, even my 70’s and 80’s LP’s sound great. 

Using now a MC cart. with a Microline stylus which rides deeper in the grooves than the more modest elliptical carts. of yore those albums are satisfying to listen to. 

Anyone remember the “Rec O Vac”?

Record Doctor VI – High-Performance Vinyl Record Washing Cleaning Machine (Gloss Black)

Anyone have an opinion on this machine?

I tried the Spin Clean and the Humminguru without any improvement whatsoever.