Wayne's Audio Turntable Periphery Stabilizing Outer Ring

Anyone have any reason to NOT give this a try (besides the price)? Or anyone recommend an alternative? I have great weights/clamps/mats but definitely own a few thousand less-than-absolutely-flat records, and feel like it’s a shame to be missing contact.


@au_lait      Can easily see how your Jamaican records got too much sun.

I said bin warped records you can't play.  Warping is a matter of degree.  If they are 'NOT THAT WARPED' then quit complaining and play them as you suggest - EASILY PLAYABLE.

What are you worrying about??

Anyway, my Aeroarm plays severely warped records no other arm will play.  How?  Because is is 1/4 of the effective length of a typical 9 inch arm and about 1/5 of the mass.  There is always an answer for those who seek.

I’m a huge fan of the TTW periphery rings.  I find it makes LP’s sound better, with lower distortion.  Never tried Wayne’s, but is his a clone of the TTW?  

I own and use a Wayne's Audio periphery ring and love it. It is the one for a Technics SL-1210GAE. I have been using it 3-4 years now with no regrets or accidents. You get quite used to setting it properly on the LP and centering by eye. Highly recommended. Dana

Clearthinker, with respect, how can a very short tonearm negotiate warps better than a typical longer tonearm? The effect of a warp on VTA would be magnified for a very short arm.